Powerful Marketing Tools for Selling Your Home

Your home is typically your largest investment.  When the time comes to sell, there are many factors you should consider so that you get the maximum value.

What is your home worth?

Price is your best, most effective marketing tool.  If your home is priced correctly, you will be able to sell your home at maximum value and in a timely fashion.  A Licensed Real Estate Agent knows the current Real Estate market and can help you set a competitive price for your home.   While you may want to research this information on your own, you will find that the much of the information is either outdated or incorrect.

In addition, your research will not factor in the different variables in each home.  Your home is unique, and when positioned the correct way, those unique characteristics can increase its appeal to potential buyers.  If there are many homes in your area for sale, how are you going to differentiate yours from the competition?  It is a fact, a well priced home get the most exposure.  Today’s buyer is very savvy.  They have access to an abundance of intelligence and can shop online twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  What is going to compel that buyer to pick up the phone and call for an appointment to view your home….price!

  1. Marketing
  2. Sales
  3. Selling Product
  4. Earn Profit
  5. Improve the company
  6. More Profit

The other powerful marketing tool is Condition.  Preparing your home for sale is one of the smartest things you can do.  First impressions truly count when a potential buyer pulls up in front of your home.  The lawn and landscaping should be well maintained for maximum curb appeal.  The front entrance should be pleasant and inviting. 

Adding some potted plants, a wreath and a doormat are quick and inexpensive.  Try to see your home through the eyes of the potential buyer.  Is your home cluttered?  Doing a general clean up of the interior space will not only make your home appear more spacious, it will also help you begin the moving process!  Lastly, a fresh coat of paint is a small investment that can result in a large return.  Chipped and fading paint make a home appear neglected.  When choosing colors best to stick with neutral tones.  This allows the future owner of your home to better imagine decorating and living in their new space.  Many Realtors, including myself, are able to assist you with preparing your home for sale or you can hire a Professional Home Stager to do it for you.

Some factors that you also should consider are the current market trends.

  • Are you aware of the current market conditions?
  • Are the homes in your area selling very quickly or staying on the market for long periods of time?
  • What are the average days on the market?
  • How is the economy doing? 
  • Is it a buyer’s or a seller’s market? 
Are interest rates attractive?

Knowledge is power.  By staying well informed and setting your expectations accordingly the home selling process can be a pleasant and profitable one.

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